Sort by best result Sort alphabetically ↑ Sort alphabetically ↓ Sort by list price ↑ Sort by list price ↓ Items per page 12244896 Search Categories and Filter Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 results Exact match! Colormetrics P5100 Modular 15-inch all-in-one POS system Exact match! Colormetrics P5500 Modern POS system with a high degree of flexibility Exact match! Colormetrics P1000 All-in-one POS for small budgets and big requirements Exact match! Colormetrics C1400 All-in-one-and-more POS system with a stylish design Exact match! Colormetrics PS1000 All-in-one POS system with an integrated receipt printer Exact match! Colormetrics P4500 Modular POS system with a broad selection of accessories Exact match! Colormetrics P1300 Fanless all-in-one POS system Exact match! Colormetrics C1000 mPOS Top-class expandable modular tablet POS system Exact match! Colormetrics V1500 Sleek POS with a broad performance capacity Exact match! Colormetrics S4300F Make an individual impression on passers-by! Exact match! Colormetrics S4300S The unique customisable kiosk system! Exact match! Colormetrics V1200 Sleek POS with a broad performance capacity